Thursday, July 29, 2010

Silly Beanz Affordable Adorables

Are you looking for something beautifully unique to put in your daughter's hair? Are you looking to add the perfect accessory to that really cute outfit you just bought? Then Silly Beanz Affordable Adorables at Etsy is the place for you to go! At you can find quality, handmade precious headbands, extremely cute bucket sun hats for both boys and girls, stunning korkers, adorable clips and clippies for infants that can be embellished with anything from hearts, to a butterfly, to an Easter egg. The owner was kind enough to send me some of her truly adorable items to review. Words just cannot express how adorable her products really are. Out of all of the items she sent, the clippies were my favorite! I especially loved the red, white and blue korker bow because it's so different looking and really compliments your little one's head! All of the clippies and headbands were so easy to put in and I can guarantee that your baby won't even realize it's there! The clippies stayed in all day and we were amazed at the fact that the babies didn't try once to take them out. The headbands did not slip off of the front or back of the child's head, regardless of the size of the beatiful, attached flower. The items from Silly Beanz Affordable Adorables are like no other. These products are truly worth every penny!

For a chance to win a stunning item for that very special little girl that you love, check out or on Facebook Make a comment on my Facebook page Thinking Like Mommy and tell me which items you love for a chance to win. There will be more than one winner so spread the word to all of your friends!