Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Worth Every Penny

Since yesterday's entry was about Gymboree, I figured that I would highlight one of my most favorite Gymboree products.....Bubble Ooodles! There is no substitution for these bubbles. They stay in bubble form for so long and they even seem to defy gravity! Below is the description:
Five bubble ports are the secret to making oodles of bubbles with one easy blow. Set includes one easy-grip wand, a non-spill tray and four ounces of Bubble Ooodles formula. Through play, children develop the self-esteem, coordination and social skills necessary to grow. Use Bubble Ooodles to develop your child's fine motor skills and cause and effect cognitive skills.
Ages 3 and up
Non-toxic, long-lasting solution
Packaging may vary
Made in China
Four ounces, the bubble wand and the non-spill tray cost $6 at Gymboree but believe me mommies, it's worth every penny!